General terms and conditions are a written document that acts as a form of contract between you and your guests that outlines the rights and responsibilities of each party.
By booking with you, your guests confirm that they have read and accepted those terms and conditions and you are therefore protected from any liability.
If you have AmenitizPay, theses terms and conditions will be accepted by your guests on manual reservations too as explained here.
General terns and conditions are not mandatory, but we highly recommend that you have them as they can protect you in case of issue with your guests.
General terms and conditions are different from your sales terms. While sales terms are specific to a rate and help you defined the rules of this specific rate, your general terms and conditions are a binding document valid for any of your bookings.
To create your general terms and conditions, go to Settings > Terms and conditions
You will then be access a text editor that allows you to enter all the terms and conditions that you want.
For legal reasons, Amenitiz cannot provide you with a template for your general terms and conditions, given that they should be specific to your accommodation and your needs.
You can however find a lot of advice on how to do it by doing a quick search on your favourite search engine.
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