If you wish to change the room allocation on a booking, you can do so directly from your schedule, using the drag and drop function. This can be useful to manage your availability, or to offer an upgrade to a client for example.
- Drag and drop: you can switch accommodation directly from the calendar, by clicking on the left of the reservation and room you want to change, and making it drag and drop to new accommodation.
You can use the drag and drop for switching accommodation only, not for changing dates. This feature cannot be used for rooms and cottages linked.
- You can also go to > Reservations in your Amenitiz administrator area left sidebar.
Once here, you will find all your bookings. Click on the booking you wish to modify and on "view booking details" :
Switch accommodation: you can choose to switch the room by going in the summary of the reservation, and on the three dots on "Switch accommodation":
You can choose to switch to different accommodation. Please check the availability of the new room before validation.
The availabilities will be automatically updated on the inventory and sent to the OTA and the booking engine.
- Drag and drop: you can switch accommodation directly from the calendar, by clicking on the left of the reservation and room you want to change, and making it drag and drop to new accommodation.
To switch rooms on a reservation from the application, follow the next steps:
- You can first log in to your account or to the application.
- Then, click on the reservation you want to manage, either from the “activity” tab, or from the "calendar" tab.
- You will be landed on the details of the reservation, from here you can click on "Switch room":
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