Quickly open or close a rate plan for a specific day on your inventory
To open or close a rate plan for a specific day, simply click on Inventory in the sidebar of your Amenitiz administrator area.
Here are the steps to follow to make this change:
- Select the Planning> Rate Plans
- Proceed to the room and line corresponding to the rate plan you want to open or close
- To open a rate: select the box corresponding to the day and room you wish to open, and click on the red logo. When it turns green, it indicates that the rate is open for that date.
- To close a rate: select the box corresponding to the day and room you wish to close, and click on the green logo. When it turns red, it indicates that the rate is closed for that date.
- The change will be automatically saved!
Use the Bulk Update option to help you apply this change over a longer period of time, as explained in this article.
You also have the possibility to open or close your rates from Global view. Here you will find the option to open or close the rate for each room in the Rate restriction section.
To open or close rate plans for a specific day from the application, follow these steps:
Go to the "Inventory" section and choose the rate plan you want :
Then, click on the day you want:
Then, choose the room you want and close the rate plan:
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