Split charges and transactions from different reservations and assign them to a single client account
This feature allows you to:
- Invoice multiple bookings at once: create a single invoice for a client who has different reservations with the same name.
- Have multiple invoices for the same booking with the correct status and transactions attached.
- Invoice a company account, or anyone that is not a stayer/booker: Invoice the stay to the company and the extras to the person staying.
- Go to > Reservations in the sidebar of your administrator area, select the reservation(s) you wish to split the charges from, and click on Move charges:
- You will then land on the page Assign booking charges to a client, divided into 2 columns: the Charges from selected bookings on the left, and the Destination account on the right:
- On the left column, the unlinked charges are displayed from the selected bookings (the unlinked charges are the charges not linked to existing invoices or drafts).
Select the charge(s) that you want to split from the booking and assign to the new account. The search bar and filter can be used to find specific charges by term or category: - Once charges have been selected, click the blue Move Right arrow button to move the charges to the Destination account field (the move charges action can be reversed by clicking on the Move Left button).
- On the right column, select the Destination account or create a new one (the client account can be selected or created before or after moving the charges, whatever is preferred). To create a new client account, click the button with the person icon.
- Once the account is found and selected, the charges now belong to this client account. Charges are free to be moved again until they are linked to an invoice.
You can now either generate a new invoice or go to the client account page (destination account)
Find more information about how to generate an invoice from a client file in this article
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