When going on the Marketplace section of your Amenitiz account, you will find several applications you can link or activate. This article explains what are these applications.
To discover the applications available on your Amenitiz account, click on > Marketplace in your Amenitiz administrator area sidebar. You will land on the page containing all the apps available via the Amenitiz tool:
- SMS notification: To receive the information of new reservations, cancelled reservations, new payments, payments failed by SMS.
- External booking engine: You can add an external booking engine from another system. For presence subscription only.
Facebook pixel: This application retargets visitors to your website with Facebook ads. Note that you need a business account on Facebook. For presence and ultimate subscriptions, but it is still possible to integrate the code of Facebook pixel using our Javascript application in the marketplace ; here is a link helping you finding out what code to integrate: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-pixel/implementation
- Google Analytics: Click here to see our article on Google Analytics. For ultimate and presence subscriptions.
- Hotel Price Explorer: Activating Hotel Price Explorer allows you to add a widget on your website which will compare your price on your booking engine and on the OTA. It facilitates direct booking on your website. For ultimate subscriptions.
- Invoice tool: You can activate the invoice tool from here in the case it is not already activated on your Amenitiz account and you want to create invoices and estimates.
- Javascript: It allows you to add personalized blocks, items in HTML code within an Amenitiz website and booking engine. To be used by skilled users. For presence, sales pro and ultimate subscriptions.
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